Christmas came and went and my family made off well. My daughter was spoiled to near death and I received some video games. But the one thing that I accomplished gaming wise this Christmas was the was beating Tales Of Vesperia. Vesperia is a very typical Japanese RPG in the line of the tales series but the first one on a next gen console (or current gen rather). However it where it shines the most is the fact that it happens to have the deepest main character I have ever played in any video game. This character is so complex and realistic (to me anyways) that I some times have to do a double take in my awe of his coolness. Think vigilante justice done right. Now I wont ruin the game going into descriptions of what happens story wise. However I will say the world and music are very beautiful and the gameplay is quickly pick up and go and engagingly fun for the most part. But the main Character Yuri Lowell is really what makes this game shine and who I give my game character of the year award too (even if it was released last Christmas!)
今年のクリスマスは終わった。僕たちはいっぱい贈り物をもらえた。たぶん多すぎもらった。特に娘は沢山のクリスマスの贈り物をもらった。娘は必要のレベル感謝出来るか分からない。とにかく僕はゲームをもらった。そうだっても僕の冬休みの喜ばせる事は僕の大好きなゲームを完全まで出来た。あのゲームの名前はテイルズ オブ ヴェスペリアだ。このゲームは普通のテイルズのシーリーズ的なゲーム。でも今回は最初の現代のゲーム機のために出た。このゲームの話は面白いし、世界がきれいだし、このゲームとても好んでいる。でもその良い点なければ主人公が入ったら僕はまだ好めると思う。ユーリ・ローウェルという主人公は本当にかっこよくて、深い人格を持っているキャラクターだ。時々ユリはそんなかっこいいので僕は休みたくないで次の場面を見るためなんだった。最終的に言えば来年の一番ゲームのキャラクターはユリ・ローウェルだ。
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