I like many other ravenous fan boys and girls love Square-Enix (Meaning I love both Square soft and Enix before they were merged). However many people fall under the misconception that Final Fantasy VII was the first major PlayStation rpg and was the first Japanese rpg to incorporate CGI and 3d. I would like to prove this mindset to be invalid.
In 1994 the Sony PlayStation was released. And in regards to RPGs this had a giant impact.
1995: Arc the Lad was released. Being the first JRPG on the PlayStation to use CGI cut-scenes in an FMV style. The game was too short to be considered epic but it's purpose was to pave way for the next two games in its saga both which further utilized CGI cinema. Arc the lad two came out a year later however actual digitized representations of character weren't introduced till the third game in 1999 which of course was influenced by the CGI styles of the Final fantasy crew by that time.

1996: Not only was Arc the Lad II released in this year but also Wild arms was released this year. Wild arms was the first JRPG to have total polygonal 3d graphics the battle engine. (Other games worth noting that came out around this time were Gensou Suikoden, and many others however this lists intent is just to introduce you to a few primary examples.)

And of Course in 1997 Final Fantasy VII was released, thrusting the JRPG world into an ever climbing upward usage of CGI and 3d graphics.
However I felt that it was importaint to reveal to those who aren't in the know already that whenever you think that someone is the first to do anything it has already been done before it.
Yes Professor Chaos the Simpsons did it.
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