Yes the guy who is responsible for that wonderful yet a atrocious company that in the 90s and early thousands brought us amazing games from Japan...that were localized completely whether we liked it or not. Yeah I'm talking about Working designs and Victor Ireland...who, after the company went under, somehow as gotten his hands on a giant surplus of games created under his companies label (now worth more than a mint) and has been making a killing on EBay. Yes you should check out ebay for Lunar 2 and Arc the lad collection and see who is really selling it. However he has started his own company again calling it Gaijin works. (...yes the name is eating me alive). Anyhow he plans on doing the same thing his last company did but with a fresh approach and for next gen consoles.
Anyone who is interested can go to his website and send him hate mail..because that about all the site allows you to do.
But remember dont hate him too much he did bring all of us in America these.

the arc the land picture looks like the anime version of arc the land