The first game is Saiyuki by Koei. In the basic story of the legend you play as Sanzou houshi the high ranking Buddhist priest who meets monsters or rather demons on his way to defeat the evil Ox king of the west. Of course the most famous character, Songokuu plays a giant role. This game is basically the old Chinese legend meets Final fantasy tactics.

However speaking about Final fantasy tactics I just purchased this game. I have know about it for a looooooong time and I know that many of you are already prepping your pitch forks and spits for roasting me. And I admit I haven't played this game before...but I know the story. Taking place in FFT's world of Ivalice its officially part of the Ivalice alliance games that SE has been working on which includes FFXII. Thought I have yet to have time to play it. It should be worth playing alone to experience the rich world of Ivalice in more depth.

And last but not least I have picked up and played a few hours on Tobal 1. . Now I know that Tobal 2. is considered to be pretty amazing. But that game is much more rare and is on my list for later on. This game however was a must have just from the cover alone as a collector. I have a sickness...or rather one of many. Anything that has art by Akira Toriyama that is fantasy related and isn't Dragonball Z or GT I instantly get the urge to purchase. And this my friends was worth it. Though it shows its age that is what I love about it. It has a crappy but just as enjoyable dungeon crawler game much like that of Ehrgize. The gameplay is much like Tekken and is pretty deep.
I haven't spent much time on these games yet but that time of which I have was more than enjoyable.
I like how you talked about vagrant story
ReplyDeletei actually saw that game when i bought final fantasy 9 at my local old game store