Don't get me wrong. I'm a 80s kid. I have played all the games since way back when and watched anime from the 70s and beyond. But seriously it just feels to me that 1997 was a sweet spot in gaming, anime, manga ect.
Game examples: FFVII, FFVIII,FFIX FFX,
Suikoden II
Chrono Cross
Legend of Mana
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Arc the Lad II and III
Dew Prism (Threads of fate)
Dragon Quest VII
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Thats just to name of a few of my favorite ones.
Its sad. It seems like during that small window of three to four years we were at an all time high. A peak of creative juices from Japan. Now it feels that Japan might be experiencing the same thing the US is. Where in the U.S everyone keeps remaking 80s and 90s movies because no one either has the budget, wants to take the risk, or has the creative mindset to make something new, original and breath taking. I really wish we could change that. I'm into retro gaming. But retro-ing everything isn't what I'm all about. I love the old stuff. the only reason I revel in the old is because only a bit of the new has touched me. Sadly, the bit of the new that hits that sweet spot is trying hard to emulate the old...but not always in an original way. That is why I like to give new things a fair try. Sure Catherine wasn't a typical Shinmegaten game but it was amazing for what it was. Final Fantasy XIII gets a lot of crap from FF fans, but despite the lack of towns and the linearity of it all it was still original and thinking forward, and I like that.