今鉄拳 ブラッド・ベンジェンスの開発際から帰ったところだ。 俺は意外に超満足出来た。 最初鉄拳のCGI映画が出る事を聞いたら、楽しみにする気が有ったけどちょっと不安な気持ちも有った。大体ゲームの映画は本当にゴミだ。特に実写でやった映画は駄目だけど実写に限らずアニメ版でも 悪い/良くない。 でもさあ、俺は鉄拳の大ファンので勇気持って俺と家族(妻と娘)は3D鉄拳映画に行った。 びっくりした!素晴らしかった。 俺はあまり3D映画が好きじゃないけど3Dでも鉄拳は良質な映画だぞ!鉄拳のゲームの気持ち伝えられた。この映画のおかげで俺の鉄拳ファン魂が燃えて、後で鉄拳のゲームやりたくなってきた。 しかし、弱点は風間 仁 は主人公じゃないから出番が少ない。。。。他の弱点は映画の目標は殆ど新たなゲームを宣伝する。 結局にこの映画は今年の出た映画なら俺の一番好きな映画だ!
I came back from seeing Tekken Blood Vengeance's debut movie. I surprisingly found myself very satisfied, When I first heard that Tekken was coming out as a CGI movie I felt that it could have potential to be awesome, but at the same time I also had an uneasy feeling. This is because most game based movies are utter crap. Especially movies shot in live action, but its not limited to just these even anime films based off of games usually are terrible. But because I am such a huge Tekken I mustered up the courage and took my family (my wife and daughter) with my to see the the 3d Tekken feature. I was extremely surprised. The film was amazing! I don't usually like 3D movies but the quality of detail in this film was very good. They did a good job convincing the feeling of the Tekken games. Thanks to this movie I found my fan boy soul burning with the desire to play the games. However, if there was a weak point to the movie it would have to be that the main character of the games, Kazama Jin, didn't appear all that much. If there was another complaint to be made it would be that the movie was mostly a large advertisement for the new Tekken tag 2 game. In the end the movie was a hit and probably my favorite movie so far this year.


今回でビルデビルマン に似ているじゃない?
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