I just started Sudeki on steam and game is a lot better than I thought it would be. I had Never played it when it was first released. However, I like the creative and imaginative feel to the world. Reminds me a lot of Grandia II. I appreciate how older games like this weren't afraid to have fantasy worlds that were...fantastical like a fairy tale and not just medieval carbon copies of each other. Of course the game so far isn't without it's cons. The voice acting is both corny, poorly written, and acted. The character designs are an obvious homage to anime Style JRPGs, though not adequately done, does give me a wave of nostalgia. The color pallet used for the graphics is probably my favorite thing so far as it has that look that a lot of Xbox games have at the time. The environments are similar to that of Psychonauts. If there is one modern game I could compare it to it would be Magna Carta II. Which isn't a bad thing whatsoever. There are some screen shots below to see the beauty of this game. We will see if I continue to like it as I play further. So far isn't doesn't seem to be as bad as some reviews say.